Frequently Asked Questions

1. What level of training do ACCMG anesthesiologists receive?

All of ACCMG's anesthesiologists are physicians who have graduated from an accredited medical school. They then received further training consisting of an internship of at least one year and completed a formal residency program in anesthesia of at least three years. Many of ACCMG's physicians have also completed additional further specialized fellowship training in areas such as cardiothoracic anesthesia.

2. Where do ACCMG physicians practice?

ACCMG physicians currently practice at Palomar Medical Center, Pomerado Hospital, Escondido Surgery Center, Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center, Sharp Chula Vista Surgery Center, Health South Rancho Bernardo Surgery Center, Professional Surgery Center in La Jolla, Rancho Springs Medical Center, Inland Valley Regional Medical Center, Golden Triangle Surgery Center, and Glenwood Surgery Center.

3. What insurance carriers do ACCMG physicians have contracts with?

ACCMG attempts to contract with all major carriers. To find out whether or not ACCMG physicians have a contract with your specific carrier, please contact our office. For contact information, please click here

4. Who can I contact regarding a question about my bill?

You may contact our office with any billing questions you may have. For contact information, please click here

5. Why did I receive multiple bills for one surgical procedure?

ACCMG anesthesiologists are physicians that practice independently of the facility where your surgical procedure was performed. They are not employees of that facility, and they bill separately for their services.

6. Are all ACCMG physicians board certified?

All ACCMG physicians are either Board Certified, Board Eligible (they are eligible for Board Certification by training and clinical experience but have not completed the Certification process), or have the equivalent of Board Certification in terms of their specific clinical experience.

7. How can I contact a specific ACCMG physician?

All ACCMG physicians may be contacted via our office. For contact information, please click here